Phone: (42) 242 6800
Address: Carrera 467, San Ignacio
Maria Ward Polyvalent High School
"Learn more to serve better"
Pastoral and Formation
“Divine love is like a fire that cannot be contained, because it is impossible to love God and not work to spread his Glory”
Mary Ward
“In this way the light that is in you should shine before the eyes of men, so that they may see your good works and glorify the Father who is in heaven” Mt. 5, 16.
Jesus in this gospel emphasizes our mission. If we don't give joy and hope, if we don't promote kindness, and fight for justice and peace, who will? It is because of such a significant mission that the area of Pastoral Care and Formation of our Lyceum, in tune with the common project that unites us to the Network of Schools of the Congregation of Jesus in Chile, aspires to strengthen a Pastoral Care whose center is Christ, which summon and welcome all members of the educational community, who are called to be the image of Jesus Christ. May prayer and the shared Word be bridges for a deeper approach and knowledge of Jesus. May the charism and spirituality of our founder Maria Ward encourage us in the mission of making the Kingdom of God present in the midst of the community. We welcome and make alive the invitation that she makes to us, which consists of discovering God in all things, to deepen the love of truth and the promotion of justice. To cultivate inner life and joy as our way of being a concrete contribution to the society in which we live.
It is for all this and more, that today we are never more aware that we are "Called to something different", because the circumstances of the pandemic that we are experiencing have led us to reinvent ourselves as an area in our way of announcing the Gospel and exhausting efforts to that the whole community feels welcomed, listened to and accompanied.